Sunday, July 10, 2011

Last day in Alaska

Saturday was our last day in Alaska so after yet another breakfast of champions we headed out to downtown Anchorage for the shopping.  You can't do a trip like this and not go home with Ulu knives, hats, t shirts, sweatshirts, and many other Alaskan treasures.

After our shopping Mike, Paul, and Sue headed out for some hiking to the top of Bear Mountain.  This was no walk in the park.  There was lots of climbing:  2 hours, 15 minutes up; and one and a half hours down, with a 15 minute rest on top for hydration and pictures.  There was a variety of terrain, some wet and muddy, some steep and rocky, and everything in between.  It was all worth it when we got to the top and saw the view.  The picture just doesn't do it justice.  It was breathtaking.

At the top of Bear Mountain we found a pile of rocks and assumed that when you reach the top you add your own rock to the pile, and we did that.  Then we found a tin box tucked into the side of the rock pile.  It had a notation on it that it held the cremated remains of a man that was placed there in 2001.  Hmmmm.....shades of the Bucket List.

We headed down the mountain, sliding, running, skidding, and hoping for the best at times.  We got to the bottom and what a great feeling it was to take off those hiking boots!

We went back to Mabel and Steve's for our last dinner of fresh seafood from our fishing trip.  John cooked his own halibut catch, deep fried in beer batter.  The shrimp was grilled.  We were all in seafood heaven, even Mike agreed that the halibut didn't taste like fish.  We feasted on it until we couldn't eat anymore.

And that's the way to fully enjoy an Alaskan vacation.

We are back home, dead tired from an overnight flight, and a 4 hour drive from O'Hare.  But we are full of the memories of family and friends, sights and experiences that seem foreign to us at home, the taste of seafood that can't get any fresher, and exhilarating panoramic views.  And as we drive down our rural roads here we can't help but keep an eye out for moose alongside the road.


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